CO2K  RUN4&(for technical support purposes) PAYMENT INFORMATIONrice includes domestic/internationNhipping and hl . ( ) $28 New owner (Ilois residents"9.75; fsaltax) CPrevious TaskMaker Ns, e4¿ a photocopy of the v!ü 1.0 disks or  manu¥covHforµ upgrade pÔA$18 ⌃¨9.13) ôc Check (drawn tU.S. banksly), payable to Storm Impact, Inc. NMoney Order, a∫ { `⇧llars åDis” MasACard ⌘Visa  Ame˘Exp€s ' number: irzxvalid thru date: .holß name (as appeå¸c)'Sig¿ur!not required se-mai◊fax modem3 ORDERING ADDRESS Al'de\may be :eío: ⌥J316 Nottingham Avenue Glenview%L 60025-5022 USAcddi hly, cre∆ y´ed ¡708-729-2667 Œ "îì" on l Online ( Why notp Urightw? Thank you!∂ NOTE: Aft$J ≈ry 20th 1996, th£ »"c;gesî847 ∞.